What is the Storehouse of all Cellular Information ?

What is the storehouse of all cellular information ?
a) Enzymes b) Hormones
c) DNA d) ATP

What Is A Self Regulating System Of The Living Steady State Called ?

The living steady state has a self regulating system called
a) Autostasis b) Entropy
c) Homeostasis d) Osmoregulation

What Does The Building Up Chemical Reactions In The Living Organisms Indicate ?

The building up chemical reactions in the living organisms indicates
a) Anabolism b) Catabolism
c) Metabolism d) None

What Are The Essential Aspects of Living Organisms ?

The essential aspects of living organisms are
a) Energy changes         b) Adaptation
c) Reproduction d) All of the above

In Ecological Sense The Desert Animals Are Termed As :

In ecological sense the desert animals are termed as

a) Arboreal b) Benthos
c) Cursorial d) Xerocles

Ethology Is The Study Of :

Ethology is the study of
a) Animal behavior          b) Animal disease
c) Human culture d) Animal adaptation

What Does Symbiosis Mean ?

Symbiosis means
a) Harmful relationship between two organisms
b) A process advantages to only one
c) Mutually beneficial partnership
d) None of these

Some Organisms Resemble Other Oorganisms And Thus Escape From Enemies. This Phenomenon Is Known As :

Some organisms resemble other organisms and thus escape from enemies. This phenomenon is known as
a) Homology b) Variation
c) Analogy d) Mimicry

Which Organ Have No Evolutionary Significance ?

Which of the following organs have no evolutionary significance ?
a) Analogous organs
b) Atavistic organs
c) Non-functional organs
d) Functional organs

What Does The Theory Of Evolution Indicate ?

The theory of evolution indicates that
a) Man evolved from monkeys
b) Monkeys evolved from man
c) Man evolved from Dinosaurs
d) Man and apes had common ancestor

Which of the primate is the closest relative of man ?

Which of the primate is the closest relative of man ?
a) Orangutan b) Gorilla
c) Pithecanthropus d) Gibbon

What Is The Entire Surface Of Earth Liveable For Living Things ?

The entire surface of earth liveable for living things is
a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere
c) Biosphere d) Hydrosphere

What Is The Connecting Link Between Reptiles And Birds Called ?

Connecting link between reptiles and birds is
a) Dodo b) Sphenodon
c) Dimetrodon d) Archaeopteryx

Fossils Are :

Fossils are
a) Fovea in the retina of vertebrate eye
b) Remains of organisms present in rocks
c) The fossa present in the bones
d) Foramens through which nerves pass

There Is More Competition For Survival Between :

There is more competition for survival between
a) Different animals of same niche
b) Same animals of same niche
c) Different animals of different niche
d) Same animals of different niche

What Is The Scientific Culture Of Silkworm Called ?

The scientific culture of silkworm is known as
a) Apiculture b) Pisciculture
c) Sericulture d) Horticulture

What Is The Phenomenon Called When The Discoveries Are Made By Accident And Unexpectedly ?

When the discoveries are made by accident and unexpectedly, the phenomenon is called
a) Mutation b) Replication
c) Serendipity d) Recombination

What Is The Ultimate Source Of Organic Evolution ?

The ultimate source of organic evolution is
a) Natural selection b) Sexual reproduction
c) Hormrnal d) Mutations

Mature RBCs of male lacks nucleus except

Mature RBCs of male lacks nucleus except
a) Cow b) Camel
c) Tiger         d) Deer

What Do The Homologous Structures Have ?

Homologous structures have
a) Similar origin but similar or dissimilar functions.
b) Dissimilar origin but similar functions.
c) Dissimilar origin and dissimilar functions.
d) Dissimilar origin and dissimilar structures.

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