Which of the following organs have no evolutionary significance ?
a) Analogous organs
b) Atavistic organs
c) Non-functional organs
d) Functional organs
The theory of evolution indicates that
a) Man evolved from monkeys
b) Monkeys evolved from man
c) Man evolved from Dinosaurs
d) Man and apes had common ancestor
Fossils are
a) Fovea in the retina of vertebrate eye
b) Remains of organisms present in rocks
c) The fossa present in the bones
d) Foramens through which nerves pass
There is more competition for survival between
a) Different animals of same niche
b) Same animals of same niche
c) Different animals of different niche
d) Same animals of different niche
Homologous structures have
a) Similar origin but similar or dissimilar functions.
b) Dissimilar origin but similar functions.
c) Dissimilar origin and dissimilar functions.
d) Dissimilar origin and dissimilar structures.
The process of evolution
a) is a continuous process
b) is a discontinuous process
c) was continuous in the beginning but discontinuous now.
d) was discontinuous in the beginning but discontinuous now.
An example of analogy is
a) Wings of a bird and a butterfly
b) Wings of pigeon and bat
c) Limbs of horse and man
d) Paddles of whale and forelimbs of man
Biology (Gr. Bios=life + logos=study) is the branch of sciece dealing with the study of living organisms. The term 'Biology' was first used by Lamarck and Treviranus in 1801. Aristotle the Greek philosopher is regarded as the 'Father of Biology' and 'Zoology'.
The study of plant is called Botany (Gr. Botane = herb). The word Botane itself originated from Boskein, which means grazing. Theophrastus (370-287 B.C.) described about 480 types of plants in 'Historia Plantarum'. He is known as the 'Father of Botany'.
The branch of science that deals with the study of identification, nomenclature and classification of the organisms is
a) Anatomyb) Morphology
c) Zoologyd) Taxonomy
Which of the following is not a character of a monocot plant ?
a) presene of a single seed leaf
b) fibrous roots
c) leaves with parallel veins and smooth edges
d) floral parts as multiple of four or five
Which of the following pair is matching pair of certain organisms and the kind of association ?
a) Shark and sucker fish - commensalisms
b) Algae and fungi in lichen - mutualism
c) Orchids growing on trees - parasitism
d) Cuscuta growing on other flowering plants - epiphytism
Mr. X is eating curd/yoghurt. For this food intake in a food chain he should be considered as occupying
a) first trophic levelb) second trophic level
c) third trophic leveld) fourth trophic level
A stage of mitosis in which the chromosomes get arranged in the form of an equatorial plate in the centre of the dividing cell is called
a) prophaseb) metaphase
c) anaphased) telophase
A branch of ecology which is concerned with the study of individual species at all stages of its life cycle in relation to environment is called
a) synecology b) ecological niche
c) reproductive ecology d) autecology
The major portion of dry weight of plant comprises of
a) carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen
b) carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
c) nitrogen, phosphorous, and calcium
d) calcium, magnesium, and iron
Which of the following is generally not a characteristic of anemophilous flower ?
a) unisexual nature b) abundant pollen grains
c) bright colored d) reduction in number of sepals and petals
A characteristic feature of ripening of some fruits (like bananas) is a sudden increase in
respiration which is known as
a) climatic b) photorespiration
c) anthesis d) climacteric
The processes in which organisms do not require light and pigment and synthesize their food utilizing energy released by oxidation of inorganic and organic substances is
a) photoautotrophism b) heterotrophism
c) chemosynthesis d) saprophytism
The condition under which transpiration would be most rapid are
a) excess of water in soil
b) low humidity, high temperature, turgid guard cells and moist soil
c) low velocity of wind
d) high humidity
In guttation, water is lost in the form of
a) water vapours
b) dilute solution of sugars
c) pure liquid form
d) dilute solution of salts and organic substances
A pure tall pea plant can be distinguished from a hybrid pea plant by
a) measuring its height
b) gibberellin treatment
c) selfing and noting that all progeny are tall
d) selfing and noting that all progeny are dwarf